Category Archives: Books

Cover Reveal of Sally Slick and the Steel Syndicate

This is cross posted on Reads 4 Tweens. Carrie Harris is writing a novel for the Young Centurions series for Evil Hat Productions. It’s in the same universe as Dinocalypse Now, Beyond Dinocalypse, and King Khan, but the target audience … Continue reading

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“Speak”ing Up

Trigger warning: This post is about using literature to talk to kids about rape and consent. Some things may be triggery. A few months back I wrote about reading the novel Keeping Corner and talking about it with my daughter … Continue reading

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Why Are Fairytales “Girl Books”?

This is also posted on Reads4Tweens, where I have a list of fairytale books I’ve reviewed. I’ve marked books that I think appeal equally to boys and girls, regardless of what the cover looks like. Jessica Banks also has an … Continue reading

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Fairy Tale Fortnight!

I’m a total fairy tale geek. I’ve always loved fairy tales—Disney films, gorgeously illustrated children’s books, modern retellings, clever novelizations, you name it. In college, I realized that if I combined a Cultural Anthropology major focusing on folktales with my … Continue reading

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Ray Bradbury on Writing

Ray Bradbury wrote one of my favorite quotes ever–I had it framed and it was in my classroom when I taught 7th & 8th grade and in my office for the decade I taught freshman comp at Penn State. It … Continue reading

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Death in the House of Dreams

A guest post by Jessica Banks. This is cross posted on Reads 4 Tweens, so if you follow both sites, it will look familiar. I came to the Anne of Green Gables series relatively late, the summer between my freshman … Continue reading

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The Good, the Bad, and the Deadly

Note: This week I’m exploring the role of death in books for young readers. I’m cross-posting here and at Reads 4 Tweens—so yes, if you follow both sites, this will look familiar. Warning: some mild spoilers—if a book has been … Continue reading

Posted in Books, Editing, Parenthood | 5 Comments

The Role of Death in Tween Lit

Note: This week I’m exploring the role of death in books for young readers. I’m cross-posting here and at Reads 4 Tweens—so yes, if you follow both sites, this will look familiar. Death is an unavoidable part of life. Obviously. … Continue reading

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Death Be Not Gratuitous

There’s an issue that’s been building up for me, and I think I’m going to do it as a theme week on Read 4 Tweens—gratuitous death in kids books. (“Tune in for Gratuitous Death Week!” That has a ring to … Continue reading

Posted in Books, Editing, Parenthood | 8 Comments

Following Your Passions

About a week and a half ago, Reads 4 Tweens went public. I’m going to take some time here to reflect on it—this is more personal than I usually get, but perhaps some of this will be helpful if you … Continue reading

Posted in Books, Parenthood | 3 Comments