Tag Archives: #speakgeek

Arguing on the Internet

Note: This is part one of a two part post. Apparently I have a lot to say on this topic… The week of Speak Out With Your Geek Out was a lot of fun—there were articles (and videos and songs … Continue reading

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Geeklings Speak Out

In honor of Speak Out With Your Geek Out, my kids decided to write their own posts about some of their favorite things. My son, age 9, wrote about some of his favorite games. He’s an avid game player; he … Continue reading

Posted in Books, Games, Kids and Gaming, Parenthood, Speak Out With Your Geek Out, Uncategorized | Tagged | Leave a comment

Guilty Pleasures

Thanks to my English degrees, teaching experience, and career as an editor, it should be no surprise that I’m a big ol’ book geek. A room in our house is dedicated to books, yet even that isn’t nearly room enough … Continue reading

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Story Geek

I’m a pretty classic geek in a lot of ways. For goodness’ sake, my day job is editing roleplaying game books! My husband writes for roleplaying games and is usually GMing and/or planning a game. I have a small collection … Continue reading

Posted in Editing, Games, Speak Out With Your Geek Out, Uncategorized | Tagged | 5 Comments

Speaking about Geeking

Every time we walk into the exhibitors’ hall at GenCon—huge, bright, loud, colorful, overwhelming to the senses—Clark and I remember what our friend Shivam Bhatt said to us one year. He looked around, soaking it all in with a huge … Continue reading

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