Category Archives: Games
Kids – the Future of Gaming
As we start taking our kids to gaming conventions, I’m keeping notes on the practical things that we’re learning (see my previous posts). However, I realized a much more important and somewhat more philosophical thing this year: Engaging kids is … Continue reading
Kids, Moms, and Cons – the Sequel
We took the geeklings and my mom to Origins Game Fair with us again this year. We brought them briefly last year (their first con ever!) and overall had a good time. This year we had to take them out … Continue reading
Let Your Sins Be Strong
A guest post from my husband and favorite GM, Clark Valentine. You can follow him on Twitter @clarkvalentine. When you intersect a good GM with a well crafted PC, you sometimes get situations where the obligations and responsibilities of the … Continue reading
Geeklings Speak Out
In honor of Speak Out With Your Geek Out, my kids decided to write their own posts about some of their favorite things. My son, age 9, wrote about some of his favorite games. He’s an avid game player; he … Continue reading
Story Geek
I’m a pretty classic geek in a lot of ways. For goodness’ sake, my day job is editing roleplaying game books! My husband writes for roleplaying games and is usually GMing and/or planning a game. I have a small collection … Continue reading
Con Games
I already selfishly took the time to gush about my awesome GenCon and all the cool stuff that happened. Now I want to talk about the really cool games I got to play. I think we played more games at … Continue reading